Tin Foil Crack Pipe

Tin Foil Crack Pipe

SWIM puts the crack onto tin foil, then heats beneath using the lowest flame on the lighter and uses a tube to inhale. The result is a very numb throat and intense stimulation. The result is a very numb throat and intense stimulation.

Article SummaryX

To make a pipe out of aluminum foil, start by cutting out a 12-inch square piece of aluminum foil and folding it in half twice. Then, roll the foil up so it's shaped like a cone with one narrow end and one open end. Next, measure 1 inch down from the open end and bend the foil there to create the bowl. Use your fingers to spread the open end of the foil out so it has a bowl shape. Finally, add your smokeable material to the bowl, light it, and inhale through the narrow end of the foil pipe. To learn how to use a pen or pencil to help you roll a foil pipe, scroll down!

To make a pipe out of aluminum foil, start by cutting out a 12-inch square piece of aluminum foil and folding it in half twice. Then, roll the foil up so it's shaped like a cone with one narrow end and one open end. Next, measure 1 inch down from the open end and bend the foil there to create the bowl. Use your fingers to spread the open end of the foil out so it has a bowl shape. Finally, add your smokeable material to the bowl, light it, and inhale through the narrow end of the foil pipe. To learn how to use a pen or pencil to help you roll a foil pipe, scroll down!

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Posted by3 years ago

Hi guys, just had a mildly successful attempt at making crack with foil & smoked it, this is the steps I used but I think it could of gone better.

Cut a 9x7 piece of foil, folded in half the opened back up again, I then lay the pre-crushed coke (Around 60mg) onto the middle of the bottom half.

I then added around 30mg baking soda to the top and dipped my fingertip into water to make the mixture. I made clockwise circles until it was a nice thick paste, I then scraped it all together with my card and made a nice flat square.

Left it to dry on my side for 5 minutes.

I check to see the coke was hard and stuck to the foil then folded the foil back into half and then folded edges over to make it air-tight.

Then I ran a lighter around 4 inches below the foil slowly back and forwards past the section that had the coke, did this for maybe 60 seconds.

I then opened up the oil flat, held the lighter around 1 inch below the foil with the coke and inhaled all the smoke. Got a little rush but some edges of the coke went black and bottom of the foil was kind of black too.

Did I do something wrong? This stuff is pretty pure and didn't get a massive rush.

How To Make Foil Pipe